3D Explainer Animation on Condensate Modifying Drugs

Dewpoint Therapeutics develops approaches to translate condensate biology into medicine. Combining condensate science, drug discovery and data science, Dewpoint aims to become the world’s leading condensate biotechnology company.

Series C


Project goal

Create a short introductory explainer animation to describe the very basics of condensate biology for the client's website. The project also included creation of a set of illustrations, adopting a different style, for corporate decks.
Condensate at the molecular level
Membrane organelles and condensates in normal cell
Fragment of the nuclear envelope and EPR
”The structural biology models from Visual Science are stunning! They implemented our brand guidelines into beautiful scientific imagery for our website and scientific slide decks. Hopefully, over the next few years Visual Science will become great at at animating unstructured biology too!”
Diseased cell
Condensates in the diseased cell
Nuclear pores, transcriptional foci and nucleolus

The Process

Animation type:
Project timline:
10 weeks + 6 weeks
7 zoom calls + 10 email feedback sessions
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In this project we had to use different visualization styles and modeling approaches. We created detailed 3D animation and simplified static illustrations covering the basics of condensate biology and revealing the capacity of Dewpoint's candidate condensate modifying drugs. The production timeline was not straightforward because the final part of the 3D animation that shows the MoA of the c-mods was developed and added after the rest of the video was finished. The working process included a number of tasks and aspects requiring significant scientific, visual and technical R&D, which we performed in iterative communication with our client. Working with structured protein complexes is a more straightforward process since there are a lot of available X-ray, NMR, and cryoEM data available in various databases. Visualizing the condensates is not an easy task because it not only involves making models of proteins with intrinsically disordered regions but also animating their interactions with each other.

Why we used this animation type?

We used our Main 3D style for the animation on this project. However, the depicted structures' complexity required us to use a scientific process almost as intense as working in our High-end 3D style. Meanwhile, for the static illustrations, we used simplified 3D, which is a big contrast with Main 3D - and made matching the two styles challenging in this complex project. However, this allowed us to create an eye-catching and accurate main animation, alongside static illustrations which both adopt a more schematic style than the animation, and are also much more visually appealing then regular 2D infographics.

Full animation

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